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The project presents a systematic study directed toward understanding of the fundamental aspects for two-dimensional van der Waals materials for optical information transfer and processing. The project is devoted to developing i) fundamental insights into the kinetics of strongly correlated electronic system and its interactions with photons in mono and multilayer emergent two-dimensional materials; ii) collective quantum phenomena including Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of excitons and cavity polaritons in these materials; iii) analysis of possibilities to control nonlinear optical properties of exciton systems in multilayers by applied gate voltage; iv) developing applications of polariton systems for spintronics using spin Hall effect for excitons; and v) polariton guiding in doped and multi-layered two-dimensional structures with the goal to harness the light-matter interactions for the development of new physical principles for the design of room-temperature nanophotonic devices for optoelectronics. We will study electronic and optical properties of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDC), where the transition metal atoms of molybdenum or tungsten are positioned between the layers of chalcogens, such as sulfur, selenium or tellurium. Our team will focus on the properties of quasiparticles such as direct, dipolar, and charge transfer excitons in TMDC double layers and multilayers and polaritons, formed by microcavity photons and excitons in a TMDC layer, embedded in a semiconductor microcavity.
The research will addressed the following topics: Light-matter interactions and collective quantum dynamics by considering the quantum kinetics of coupled charges and photons and the interaction with phonons, to understand the charge and photon transport in TMDC- based structures. Low-energy consumption room-temperature optoelectronic devices by considering the coupled charge and photon dynamics in multilayered structures, to reveal the conditions under which the photon guiding and controlled propagation can be achieved with the focus on the foundation of new-generation optoelectronics. We will obtain the polariton flow induced by the spin flow due to spin Hall effect for excitons in TMDC. We propose to study the effects of a periodic potential on a superfluid of polaritons, formed by excitons in a TMDC monolayer. Optimizing room-temperature polaritonic circuit performance. The obtained knowledge of TMDC mono- and double-layer systems, and their interactions with light will be harnessed to find the conditions and geometries for optimal performance of active optoelectronic and spintronic systems.

1. Light-matter interactions and collective quantum dynamics. 

2. Search for room-temperature (room-T) Bose-Einstein condensation. 

3. Optical control of the polariton flows. 

4. Electron-polariton drag in a single-layer system, and the electric polariton guiding

5. Low-energy consumption room-temperature optoelectronic devices. 

6. Polariton dynamics in optical circuits. 

7. Optimizing room-temperature polaritonic circuit performance.

8. Spin Hall Effect (SHE) for polaritons (and dipolaritons) formed by excitons in a TMDC monolayer (double layer), embedded in a semiconductor microcavity. 

9. Polariton superfluidity, controlled by a periodic potential. 

10. Optical absorption to probe the electron states. 

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