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Emerging Two-Dimensional van der Waals Materials for Optical Information Transfer and Processing

Photonics and optoelectronics form the backbone of the key technologies of the 21st century including secure communications, bio-sensing, next-generation displays, renewable energy, homeland security, navigation, and much more. During the past 20 years, photonics increased the capacity of the internet communication by nearly 10,000-fold. Our research project seeks to develop i) fundamental insights into the kinetics of strongly correlated electronic system and its interactions with photons in mono and multilayer emergent two-dimensional materials; ii) collective quantum phenomena including Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of excitons and cavity polaritons in these materials; and iii) polariton guiding in doped and multi-layered two-dimensional structures with the goal to harness the light-matter interactions for the development of new physical principles for the design of room-temperature nanophotonic devices for optoelectronics.


300 Jay street, Brooklyn,
NY 11201


Phone: 718 260 5276
              718 260 5277